Thursday, April 15, 2010

BBA Challege 2: Artos (Greek Celebration Bread)

I made this bread for Easter, but haven't blogged it yet. Bad blogger. No readers for you!

It was HUGE. Seriously, gigantic. It smelled awesome, but when actually eating it it wasn't that spiced. So we have two options: 1, the bread is supposed to be mild, or 2. My spices are old. I'm leaning towards 2, based on what I've read from other people's blogs. I'll be buying replacements for some of my older spices as soon as we get out from under our lease and have some spending money. (Two months!)

I thought sure that Eric would like this bread, because it wasn't that sweet (he's not a dessert kinda guy). But he took a bite and decided it "seems like it should be sweeter". Head/kitchen table. There is no pleasing him, apparently.

Here's some pics:

Monday, April 05, 2010

BBA Challenge 1: Anadama Bread

So, one challenge down. I was so eager to get started that I mixed my cornmeal (in my case, grits) and water right away. Unfortunately, since it had to sit overnight, I ended up having to make the bread after I got home from work on Friday at 6, and since that was a 4-hour process and I had to work the next morning, I didn't get to eat any that night. But it looked good. Here it is, coming out of the oven:

On its own, it was just ok, but in a sandwich (made, in my case, with leftover roasted chicken) it was pretty damn good. I don't know if it was good enough to warrant making it again in the future, however. Eric didn't like it too much, but he was eating it plain, as he's not much of a sandwich man. Overall, a good start, but I'm betting that there's better bread coming my way.