Saturday, December 08, 2007

Santa brings out the worst in people

I had the meanest, jerkiest customers today, because... Santa Claus was coming to Petsmart. Oh, you read that right. A day full of people screaming at me for such things as the machine daring to ask them for a dollar for homeless pets or their child being sniffed by a friendly dog, because SANTA, symbol of holiday cheer, was their posing with their pets. After Santa left, the level of customer rudeness returned to normal. Which begs the question, what is wrong with people?!?

And, I found out today that one of my co-workers found my blog. So, hi Heather! :) She works in speciality, so she has a whole different kind of crazy customer to deal with.

Well, here's a cute picture of Eric snuggling with our newest bunny, Sonia, to make this post seem less like a whiny gripefest.