Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm so ronreee.......

So ronery and sadry arone....

Alright enough singing. It does suck to be me though. Eric was at class this morning/afternoon, and I went to work at 5, waving to him at the bus stop as I drove by. I worked, got home at 10, and got a "Hi honey!" before he took the car out to go bowling with his friends. Before we got married, he always wanted to do stuff with me, but now he'll do stuff with me if I'm the only option. It wouldn't be so bad if I had other friends to hang out with here, but I don't. I was gonna post on the Girls of 121 blog, but I lost the password again so this pity-fest will have to go here. Sigh. I guess I'll go let Snoopy run around.

Man this is a depressing post.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Final Fantasy Football

So, I'm in a fantasy football league with Manda, Ralph, Jen, and Kevin. I'm insane. Manda is going to kill us all. So, I'm not looking to win. I'm looking to not come in last place. That's my goal. Me and the Evil Giraffes are not going to be complete losers. We will salvage our tiny bit of dignity and not totally suck. We will eat all the leaves on the tree, and hide berries where others may not find them ... wait, sorry, that's Eddie Izzard. Anyway, we won't come in last.

I hope.
